Join us for the Sacred Solstice Experience: Sardinia

June 20-24, 2024

In the heartwarming embrace of Sardinia's pristine landscape, where the sea meets the tranquil beauty of the natural world, there lies an unparalleled magic ready to unfold during the Sacred Solstice Retreat.

During the Solstice, we celebrate our connection to Source as we discover the ancient tales of renewal and rebirth. This time calls a gorgeous group of women to come together in a celebration of the Sun and open to a new season of life, unity, wisdom, empowerment and authentic abundance.

This sacred gathering, enveloped in the island’s mesmerizing magic, is an invitation to reconnect with the elemental energies, drawing from the day that beautifully balances light and darkness.

Here, in the nurturing company of like-minded souls, each woman is promised a journey of deep introspection and discovery. The experience offers not just a pause from the mundane, but a profound rekindling of the spirit, empowering each participant to embrace her inner goddess.

Join us for an experience of a lifetime.

The solstice, with its profound energy, amplifies intentions, dreams, and bonds, creating a vibrant tapestry of shared experiences and transformative moments. Celebrating this special event together magnifies its power, weaving a collective narrative of growth, healing, and joy. In the heart of Sardinia, the Sacred Solstice Retreat promises a time of spectacular awakening, where every woman emerges renewed, radiant, and deeply connected to the infinite dance of the universe.  

Experience five gorgeous days in a villa in the most beautiful part of Sardinia. We will focus on the Four Elements: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire. This experience will include transformational teachings and masterclasses, breathwork, intuitive rebirth sessions, special ceremonies and so much magic.

You feel this shift in yourself and you will embody what it means to truly shine your light.

Now, more than ever, the world needs you. We need the fullest expression of your shining heart and beautiful soul. To walk into rooms and emanate love and grace.

To tap into the magic that is available and become a lighthouse to those that need you.

You deserve to manifest the vision you have seen for your life, and to embody your truth in a way that serves the world. It’s time for you to SHINE, sweet one.


Five Days. Extraordinary transformation. One Exceptional Adventure. Deep Soul Work.

A stunning sisterhood of support.  


Our purpose for this journey is to discover the fullest expression of yourself, your gifts, and your soul. To discover your passions, your purpose and to birth the work you were born to do in the world.

You are ready to step into the life you have been dreaming of, love!

Join us for an extraordinary live experience here on the island of Sardinia this summer solstice for five days of connection, celebration, transformation and the embodiment of your new sparkle and shine with a gorgeous evening of celebration.


There will be ceremony and ritual. Champagne and sparklers. You will be surrounded by beautiful hearts and souls that will become sweet soul friends for life.

This is a unique and holy hybrid of an extraordinary experience along with powerful teachings designed for your self mastery and highest service to the world. 

Experience deep connections with a group of beautiful and amazing women. You long to be seen, supported, accepted, and deeply loved. You want to be surrounded by visionaries and kind souls that inspire you to dream big and to follow your heart.  This is the place for you.

We fully intend for you to feel loved and supported by this circle of sisters gathering together for this very special experience.


Join us for this Sacred Solstice Experience June 20-24, 2024.

Our home for the week will be a gorgeous villa and we know you will absolutely love this beautiful space!

Arrive at the Olbia International Airport and transfer to our villa.  We will get settled into our rooms and then gather for a champagne toast poolside during the magic hour.  

Daily Schedule: We will start each morning with a guided meditation, breathwork and masterclasses with a beautiful buffet breakfast, a light lunch each day along with a fabulous aperitivo and dinner.

Magic Masterclasses: Each day we will focus on a different element along with beautiful experiences to help you anchor these into your daily life. After our morning masterclasses we will enjoy a lovely lunch and you will have time and space for you to relax by the pool, enjoy the gorgeous beaches or do whatever your heart desires.

Day 1: Water Element - Dive In and Reflect

- Greeted by the serene sounds of the sea, we gather in a circle to begin our time together, embracing the energy of the water that surrounds us. Our focus today will be focused on flow, capacity, abundance and overflow and include Guided Reflection/Meditation/Visualization along with a Guided Journal/Writing Reflection Exercise: Embracing the Flow.

Our evening activities will include the Sacred Shakti Method experience.  Sacred Shakti is a lovely combination of kundalini yoga, breathwork, sensual movement, tribal dance, ecstatic dance, guided meditation and deep relaxation. This practice is designed to awaken your inner sparkle and light you up in a new and dynamic way.  We will be awakening the divine feminine power within you through movement, meditation and celebration. There will be special ceremonies and ritual as we support each other in this magical unfolding. 

Day 2: Fire Element - Ignite & Release

- Today we will be Setting Intentions and Releasing Fears with a Creative Workshop: Ignite Your Dreams. Through guided exercises and interactive activities, you'll uncover your deepest desires and visualize the life you want to create. Get ready to tap into your imagination and set powerful intentions for your future.

We will end this day with a special Fire Releasing Ceremony. Reflect on what is holding you back and surrender it to the flames, allowing the fire to transform your obstacles into opportunities. Discover how the energy of the fire can propel you forward in the direction of your dreams, leaving behind any doubts or limitations. Feel empowered to step boldly into the future, knowing that you have the tools and support to manifest your dreams and overcome any obstacles that may arise.

Day 3: Earth Element - Grounding and Nourishing

Today we will focus on the the Earth Element with a very special Solstice Grounding Walk: Grounding Meditation and Nature Connection. Start your day with a refreshing grounding meditation and a rejuvenating nature walk. Connect with the earth beneath your feet and feel the energy of the solstice guiding you.

We will also experience an Earth Connection Workshop: Planting Seeds of Intention. Learn how to cultivate your desires and dreams, nourishing them like seeds in fertile soil.

Connection to Earth Ceremony- Adding an element to ground us back to this experience. Immerse yourself in a deeply enriching ceremony where we craft our own Bath Soak blends. Each participant adds elements carefully chosen to ground us in the present moment and anchor us to the experience of connection with the earth. Experience the harmony and serenity of connecting with nature on a profound level.

Day 4: Air Element - Breathe, Expand, and Renew

The last day we will focus on the Air Element: Start the day with intention and clarity as you dive into a rejuvenating session of breathwork and mindfulness meditation. Connect with your inner self and set the tone for a balanced and focused day ahead.

- Air Element Workshop: Open Your  Dreams Journaling

Explore the depths of your dreams and aspirations in our Air Element Workshop. Through guided journaling exercises, tap into the realm of possibilities and unleash your creative potential. Discover new insights and perspectives as you connect with the airy energy surrounding you.

- Open Sky Meditation: Soaking in the Sun and Gentle Breezes

Wind down your day with a serene Open Sky Meditation. Bask in the warmth of the sun and feel the gentle caress of the breeze as you immerse yourself in a tranquil outdoor setting. Allow the expansive sky to inspire a sense of freedom and clarity as you reflect on the day's experiences and prepare for a restful night ahead.

Embrace each moment of this journey as you embark on a path of self-discovery and growth.

Solstice Magic

Solstice Celebration: This will be an extraordinary evening to remember, full of ceremony and celebration, using the energy of the solstice to propel our wildest expansion, soul alignment, fulfillment and success.


Meet Your Hosts:

Hayley Hunter Hines

Hayley is a spiritual advisor and business strategist for visionary leaders around the world and is the founder of the Soul Sparkle Sanctuary and the creator of the Shine Experience, a signature program that is known for its transformative impact on the body, mind, soul, and spirit.

She is the spiritual director of the Soul Sparkle Sanctuary and the founder of the Soul Sparkle Society, a luxury travel membership experience and the creator of the Sacred Shakti Method Certification and Teacher Training.

Hayley is a conduit of unconditional love and grace, and is committed to leading a revolution of spiritual teachers and leaders who serve from the depths of their soul and spirit. She is deeply connected to her community and believes in the power of a pure heart and open mind to make all things possible.

Kate Butler

Kate is a Certified Professional Success Coach and the founder of Inspired Impact Publishing where she has published over 650 #1 Best-selling Authors under the inspirational umbrella. Kate has also published 20 of her own #1 International Best-selling books, including three inspirational children's books. Throughout Kate's journey in the thought leader space, she has been featured alongside Jack Canfield, creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul, when they were both featured in an Emmy Nominated documentary, "Deep Talk With The Masters". This led to her own TV Show, "Where All Things Are Possible" which she loves hosting to bring hope and healing to millions on a weekly basis. Kate has also written books with Les Brown, Lisa Nichols, and Iyanla Vanzant to name a few.

Kate's expertise has been featured on Fox 29, GoodDay Philadelphia, HBO, PHL 17, PBS and Sesame Street. However she is most proud of her feature in the Huffington Post where they officially coined her "The Real Deal of the Coaching Industry." Kate recently decided to test her own motto of "All Things Being Possible" when she packed up her family to move to Europe for 3 months to work, explore, travel and learn. Kate and her daughters ended up on an International Book Tour to Ireland, UK and Italy for three months sharing their books with children across the globe. Having grown up in humble beginnings to now building a multi 7-figure company, Kate truly, truly believes, if she can fulfill her dreams, anyone can, and she is committed to being your biggest cheerleader along the way.

Chantelle Adams

Chantelle Adams has delivered over 1000 speeches all across the globe and hosted an annual event, Shine Live for 150+ women entrepreneurs. She's been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneurs On Fire and on the cover of Business Heroine, Event Head and Mindful Mavericks Magazine. 

As a channeled storyteller she has helped thousands connect the dots from their life experience to their life's work while healing timelines and shifting realities through the power of their story.  

She also helps speakers to fully embody their message and connect to the essence of their voice while being able to energetically shift the frequency of the room.  Through speaking, storytelling and sound healing, she is on a mission to raise the frequency of the planet through creating resonance with the power of our voice.  

What’s included:

*Four nights at a beautiful villa, shared accommodations

*All your meals created with love from our private chef, very special Solstice Soiree upon arrival and extraordinary Celebration dinner experience our last evening together.

*Daily masterclasses, meditation, ceremonies, a private wine tasting experience and cooking class

What’s not included:

* Air transportation and transportation to/from the Olbia airport.

Please note: Registration for the Sacred Solstice Experience is non-refundable, however it IS transferrable. If for any reason you are unable to attend, you can send someone in your place. The above is our proposed itinerary to give you an idea of the experience and the final itinerary will be provided prior to the event.

Special Note: As part of your participation in our event, we require that you purchase the necessary travel insurance. Since this experience in non-refundable, we ask that you select the cancel for any reason optional policy in case you are unable to attend the event. We will provide all information and our preferred partner to purchase this insurance upon registration.

By confirming your registration and making payment, you agree that you understand the terms of registration.

Limited private rooms are available, please inquire for availability

Join us for this extraordinary experience of connection, creation, celebration and stepping into a whole new chapter of your beautiful and magical life!

What participants have shared from a Sacred Experience:

"My experience on this retreat has been absolutely incredible and life changing. I had no idea what to expect or what I was even doing signing up for this. At times before I felt such a wide range of emotions including fear, doubt, anxiety and apprehension. 

I’d never gone to a retreat before and especially one where I did not know anyone. This was so out of character for me! I came with an open heart and open soul, willing to receive whatever was here waiting for me and receive I did. 

During the last five days I have truly landed with and accepted that I am willing to d whatever it takes to live my dreams and that I am deserving of doing so. 

I have increased my value and self worth to a level I have never felt before. I trust in this process and see the results from it already. Our time in meditation and session has transformed how I feel and value myself and how I life my life. I have felt so loved, supported and inspired by my experience here. 

I’ve felt nothing but love and support the whole time I’ve been here. The environment and space they created has been safe, sacred and incredibly caring. They value each of us greatly for who we are and what we bring and for that I am forever grateful. 

I have learned valuable spiritual practices and have raised my self awareness and spiritual openness to a whole new and powerful level. I am leaving with a newfound sense of self, a deeper understanding of my own self worth and a roadmap for my future and lifelong sisters. 

I will forever cherish my time here and I can’t wait to reunite again on a future retreat! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for allowing the space for me to see and discover the life I have always wanted to live!" Cristina Rodriguez, California USA

“If there was a true life version of Glenda, the good witch, a bringer of joy and light ... I think it would be this woman. I had the pleasure of meeting her this weekend and she is truly a gift on this earth. If you're struggling with inner peace, loving yourself, or just need someone to lift you up, let this beautiful woman brighten your day. She changed my entire outlook on life and freed me from the burden I've been carrying for almost seven years... blaming God for taking Kathryn from me and not answering my prayers to save her. That's a lot of heaviness to carry. Now I accept with gratitude that he CHOSE me to do good for others through this painful experience and I am thankful that this is my life mission.”

This has been a beautiful experience that I would recommend to anyone who wants to get their sparkle back! This has been a remarkable weekend!

— Linda Murden // Ohio

“A transformative, inspirational weekend surrounded by beautiful souls. It was a blessing to see each of these women blossom into their strength and express their fears and desires in life. I come away with deep new friendships and focus on what I want in my life to be my happiest self. Thank you for helping my sparkle shine bright!

— Love, Kris // Iowa

“My experience at Soul Sparkle Ojai has been life changing. It is hard to put into words the love and connection I felt to a group of women I just met. I was able to face some of my fears (some just realized) and to dream of a life I desire. I feel this is just a step into becoming and learning the person I was destined to become. The leaders here are so knowledgeable and so willing to share their wealth of knowledge with us. I would highly recommend this weekend for all women. You will make new friends that will last a life time, who will support you in whatever you do. Thank you to all the leaders and lovely ladies!

— Sue Anderson // Arizona

“For the first time EVER, I have truly shared and truly connected to a group of women. Our group truly respected and communicated and shared at our deepest level in our deepest souls. The outcome is Soul Sparkle and sparkle they do! I thank you for this experience, it was truly transformative for me. With much sparkling love!

— Cyndi // Ohio

“Being a part of the Soul Sparkle weekend was like having a slumber party with 20 best friends you never knew you had. The connection with each other was immediate and the commonality among us all was uncanny. We played, we laughed, we cried, we danced, and we were loved until our souls sparkled.

— Anonymous

“This was a wonderful event, for myself but not alone. I loved this group of women and it would not have been the same without a single one of them.

— Anonymous

“It was an incredible setting and an incredible group of women. The weekend just sort of unfolded slowly into the experience it became. I really feel you introduced us slowly to the “unpeeling” of the things that were dimming our sparkle and keeping each of us from becoming the women we were meant to be. The “sparkle of my life” was definitely missing in my life and I am now on my way to grabbing it for my life!

— Anonymous